


Tamitu POP UP

Tamitu POP UPr

Tamitu POP UP

2024年8月24日(土) − 9月8日(日)


1912年創業の水谷養蜂園から誕生した、今を生きる私たちに届けたい、新しいはちみつのカタチを提案するはちみつライフスタイルブランド「Tamitu」のPOP UPを開催いたします。

ファーストプロダクトであるHerbal Honeyはハーブ、スパイス、純粋はちみつを掛け合わせた調合はちみつで、自然の甘味に複雑な奥行きが加わり、心地よく身体を満たしてくれるでしょう。はちみつが持つ自然由来の力にハーブのパワーがプラスされ、互いに高めあって私たちの日常を力強く後押ししてくれます。




Tamitu POP UPr
Tamitu POP UPr
Tamitu POP UPr
Tamitu POP UPr

POP UP : August 24, 2024 (Sat) - September 8, 2024 (Sun)
Venue: CIBONE CASE (Ginza)

To live healthily and beautifully.

We are pleased to announce a POP-UP event for Tamitu, a honey lifestyle brand born from Mizutani Beekeeping Farm, established in 1912, offering a new form of honey that we wish to share with people living in the present day.

Our first product, Herbal Honey, is a blended honey that combines herbs, spices, and pure honey. The natural sweetness of honey is enriched with complex layers, providing a soothing and nourishing experience. The natural power of honey is further enhanced by the strength of herbs, working together to give us a powerful boost in our daily lives.

Traditional honey often solidifies over time and has a property that makes it difficult to dissolve in water. However, after countless trials and errors, Tamitu has achieved honey that does not solidify and is easy to dissolve, even while maintaining its purity.

Not only can it be enjoyed as is, but it also dissolves easily in cold beverages like soda or milk, allowing you to enjoy it in your favorite drinks.

We hope that a spoonful of this natural sweetness will bring moisture and vitality to both your body and mind.

> PRESS お問い合わせ (株式会社ウェルカム CIBONE広報担当)