


New Jewelry for CIBONE - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -

New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -

New Jewelry for CIBONE - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -

2025年1月8日(水) - 1月28日(火)
  • 開催: CIBONE (表参道)
    *English follows Japanese
  • 【デザイナー在店日】
    ※各日 11:00 - 18:00

Atelier hifumi MIO HEKIは、京都を拠点に漆を使った創作活動を⾏う⽇置美緒(Mio Heki)によるジュエリーブランド。


今回の展示では、この冬の新作である「くねくね」イヤーカフ、また⼈気のある「お⼭」イヤーカフのカラーオーダー会を⾏います。その他、漆を使ったシリーズもご希望に合わせて⾊のカスタムオーダーが可能です。今回ご⽤意している⾊は、⾚、⿊等の漆らしい⾊味はもちろん、⽇本の伝統⾊である、紫苑、東雲、蘇芳、苗、藍、⻩。  肌に馴染みやすく、また美しく発⾊していくカラー8⾊を特別にセレクトしています。


New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
- Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
京都を拠点に漆を使った創作活動を⾏う⽇置美緒(Mio Heki)によるジュエリーブランド。⽂化財等の修復を⾏う職⼈としての経歴も持つデザイナーは、⽇本古来より使われてきた漆、天然⽊、⾦銀プラチナを使った、現代的なジュエリーを提案しています。
New Jewelry
New Jewelry LLC.は、デザイン性や手工芸性を重視したジュエリーブランドのマーケットの拡大をサポートする企画運営チームです。ジャンルの垣根を超えて、クリエイティビティの高いジュエリーブランドを選定し、確かなキュレーションにより、デザイナーズジュエリーとの出会いの場を創出しています。CIBONE (GYRE B1F)では、3週間毎に「新しさ」と「ユニーク」さを兼ね備えるジュエリーブランドをご紹介。足を運ぶごとに新しい顔ぶれが並び、常時新しいトレンドを発信する「New Jewelry for CIBONE」にぜひご期待ください。

POP UP : Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Venue: CIBONE (Omotesando)

Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI is a jewelry brand by Mio Heki, a Kyoto-based lacquer artist.

The beautiful wood surface, luminous lacquer, shimmering makie lacquer, eggshells, mother-of-pearl inlays, and layers of black urushi lacquer are all the result of Japanese craftsmanship. The theme of the work is “Japanese beauty clad in nave” as the intersection of the timeless elegance of Japanese craftsmanship and the intersection of human and natural things. Finding out the materials, cutting, grinding, and polishing. The jewelry of the natural material which took time and was finished by one by one work by the workman of the handkerchief shows a unique soft form and a peculiar pattern.

In this exhibition, we will be presenting the new “wiggle” ear cuffs for this winter and the popular “mountain” ear cuffs for color order. Other series using Urushi lacquer are also available for custom color orders. The colors available this time are not only red and black, but also the traditional Japanese colors such as Shien, Shinonome, Suho, Miao, Ai, and Black.  We have specially selected 8 colors that are easy to blend with the skin and also beautifully colorful.

You will feel the charm of the colors as they become more lustrous and vivid with time, coloring your days. We offer jewelry that will gently inspire you just by wearing it.

- Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
Jewelry brand by Mio Heki, a Kyoto-based lacquer artist. The designer, who also has a background as a restorer of cultural properties, proposes modern jewelry using Japanese traditional lacquer, natural wood, metal, silver and platinum.
New Jewelry
"New Jewelry" is a project management team supporting the expansion of the market for jewelry brands that emphasize design and craftsmanship. Every three weeks, they introduce jewelry brands at CIBONE that embody both "novelty" and "uniqueness." This initiative creates a space for encountering designer jewelry.

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New Jewelry for CIBONE - Ayako glass
New Jewelry for CIBONE ISIR
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New Jewelry for CIBONE -arie:chroma-
New New Jewelry for CIBONE -AROM.-
New Jewelry for CIBONE -AROM.-

> PRESS お問い合わせ (株式会社ウェルカム CIBONE広報担当)