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New Jewelry for CIBONE - Fillyjonk -

New Jewelry for CIBONE - Fillyjonk -

New Jewelry for CIBONE - Fillyjonk -

2025年1月29日(水) - 2月18日(火)
  • 開催: CIBONE (表参道)
    *English follows Japanese
  • 【デザイナー在店日】
    ※各日 13:00 - 19:00

“思いを馳せる時間”をもたらすジュエリーを提案する <Fillyjonk>。天然石のなりたちを想像したくなるような、ちょっとクセのある天然石が人気のmossシリーズ。自然にできる内包物や色斑のあるルースの鉱物学的魅力や美しさをジュエリーを通して表現。デザイナーの審美眼で価値を見いだされた個性的な天然石ルースから、あなただけのアイテムをオーダーいただけます。ご自宅にあるルースやお母様から譲り受けた指輪の石をお持ち込みすることも可能です。「Fillyjonk ルースオーダー会」は、Fillyjonkスタッフ在店時のみとなります。


New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Fillyjonk -
New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Fillyjonk -
New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Fillyjonk -
New Jewelry for CIBONE  - Fillyjonk -
- Fillyjonk -
New Jewelry
New Jewelry LLC.は、デザイン性や手工芸性を重視したジュエリーブランドのマーケットの拡大をサポートする企画運営チームです。ジャンルの垣根を超えて、クリエイティビティの高いジュエリーブランドを選定し、確かなキュレーションにより、デザイナーズジュエリーとの出会いの場を創出しています。CIBONE (GYRE B1F)では、3週間毎に「新しさ」と「ユニーク」さを兼ね備えるジュエリーブランドをご紹介。足を運ぶごとに新しい顔ぶれが並び、常時新しいトレンドを発信する「New Jewelry for CIBONE」にぜひご期待ください。

POP UP : Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Venue: CIBONE (Omotesando)

Designer in the store
February 1 (Sat), 2 (Sun), 8 (Sat), 9 (Sun)
11(Tue) ,15(Sat), 16 (Sun)
13:00-19:00 each day

Phillyjonk proposes jewelry that brings “time to think”. The “moss” series is popular for its slightly peculiar natural stones that make you want to imagine how natural stones become. The jewelry expresses the mineralogical charm and beauty of loose stones with color spots and inclusions that are naturally formed. You can order your own unique item from the unique loose natural stones that the designer's aesthetic eye has found valuable. You can also bring in loose stones from your home or a ring you received from your mother. The “Fillyjonk Loose Order Session” will be held only when Fillyjonk staff is in the store.

You will be able to feel the charm of the stones as they color your days and become more lustrous and vivid with time. We offer jewelry that will gently inspire you just by wearing it.

You will feel the charm of the colors as they become more lustrous and vivid with time, coloring your days. We offer jewelry that will gently inspire you just by wearing it.

- Fillyjonk -
Fillyjonk is a jewelry brand by Shuhei Kanemori and Naoko Hiraiwa, who studied architecture and engraving. They create accessories with themes of architecture, landscapes, and plants, based on the concept of “a time to contemplate,” such as contemplating other worlds, reminiscing about the past, making small discoveries, and respecting nature. We are happy if you can imagine your own story from Filif Yonca's jewelry.
New Jewelry
"New Jewelry" is a project management team supporting the expansion of the market for jewelry brands that emphasize design and craftsmanship. Every three weeks, they introduce jewelry brands at CIBONE that embody both "novelty" and "uniqueness." This initiative creates a space for encountering designer jewelry.

New Jewelry for CIBONE - ARCHIVES

New New Jewelry for CIBONE -Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI-
New Jewelry for CIBONE - Atelier hifumi MIO HEKI -
New Jewelry for CIBONE - simmon -
New Jewelry for CIBONE - simmon -
New Jewelry for CIBONE - Ayako glass
New Jewelry for CIBONE ISIR
New Jewelry for CIBONE -arie:chroma-
New Jewelry for CIBONE -arie:chroma-

> PRESS お問い合わせ (株式会社ウェルカム CIBONE広報担当)