


CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi

CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi

Kazuki Hitomi

2024年3月16日(土) - 3月31日(日)




ー 人見和樹 ー
1991年生まれ。2015年 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所を修了し、現在は故郷である岡山県にて作陶。磁器土に鉄粉を混ぜることで 窯変した模様が広がる作風を代表に、窯の中で起こる現象を自然の産物として、貫入やピンホール、釉薬の酔いもあえて残し、 シンプルな造形の中にも作家の手跡が感じられる作品を制作している。
CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi
CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi
CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi
CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi
CASE : 64 floating Kazuki Hitomi

Exhibition : March 16th Saturday - March 31st Sunday
Artist in gallery : March 16th Saturday

We will be hosting a solo exhibition featuring the ceramic works of Kazuki Hitomi, who practices pottery in Okayama Prefecture.
The beauty that arises from chance encounters, as if surrendering to a pleasant flow, is never the same for each piece.

Works where the balance between the offering of one's own hand and the surrender to nature and randomness gently intertwines can be found.
These pieces feature brown patterns that emerge from firing iron powder added to white porcelain clay with full-bodied forms,
as well as delicate patterns created by fine scratches on surfaces fired with black glaze, inspired by pottery washed by the sea.
They exude an atmosphere that is somehow comforting.

In this exhibition, you will not only see a collection of Hitomi's works but also a variety of one-of-a-kind vessels and flower vases.
We invite you to take this opportunity to pick up each piece and enjoy its individual expression.

- Kazuki Hitomi -
Born in 1991, they graduated from Tajimi City Ceramic Design Institute in 2015 and are currently engaged in pottery in their hometown of Okayama Prefecture. Their style is characterized by patterns created by mixing iron powder into porcelain clay, allowing for kiln-induced changes. They view the phenomena occurring within the kiln as natural occurrences, deliberately leaving effects such as penetration, pinholes, and glaze intoxication, thus imbuing their simple forms with the unmistakable touch of the artist's hand.

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