


panta rhei 2024 O'Tru no Trus

panta rhei O'Tru no Trus

panta rhei 2024
O'Tru no Trus


沖縄を拠点に、自然物、人工物を厭わず拾い集めた漂流物と金工を組み合わせた作品を制作するユニット、O’Tru no Trus。われわれがふたりの作品に出会ってから6年、「ふたりがどれだけの漂流物を拾い上げ、作品として再びこの世界への旅に送り出したのか」と考えた先にはモノの在り方にとても正しい言葉に行き着きます。





‐ O'Tru no Trus ‐
沖縄を拠点に活動する、種村太樹と尾崎 紅によるアートユニット。各地の海を旅して見つけた漂流物を集め、それらと真鍮を組み合わせてオブジェなどの作品を生み出している。

Date : 2024.5.25.SAT - 6.9.SUN
In Gallery : 5.25.SAT

We are pleased to announce a solo exhibition by the Okinawa-based art unit, O’Tru no Trus. For six years since we first encountered their work, we have held five exhibitions showcasing their unique pieces that combine driftwood and metalwork, collected from both natural and artificial sources. Reflecting on the sheer amount of driftwood they have gathered and reintroduced to the world as art, we arrive at a profound understanding of the nature of objects.

Derived from the Greek word meaning "everything flows."

This title, used for their exhibition two years ago, perfectly encapsulates the essence of their work and their creative process. Their pieces, imbued with a sense of divinity and mystery, reassign value to objects once deemed worthless, allowing them to float back into the currents of the world.

This time, their artwork is composed entirely of artificial materials. In creating something new, the way we engage with objects and define their value for long-term companionship becomes almost a given. Yet, every day, more driftwood continues to wash ashore.

For O’Tru no Trus, these materials represent encounters and acts of salvation, moments when they feel a tangible connection to the world. This process might be a form of fantasy for us, but we believe that their creations hold the answers. We invite you to immerse yourself in their art and find your own interpretations.

> PRESS お問い合わせ (株式会社ウェルカム CIBONE広報担当)