


EXHIBITION : 11 Make it Beautiful 「整える」がもたらすもの


Make it Beautiful

1月23日(土) - 2月12日(金)
studio note


オランダのコンセプチュアル・デザインに強く影響を受けたStudio noteの寺山紀彦は、自然との距離の取り方が絶妙だ。自然そのものの造形、摂理を受けいれながら、人が牛耳りきれない部分もデザイン化してゆく。


視点をかえる。材料を変える。日常のものを、少しだけずらすことで驚きの世界をつくるstudio noteの世界を、ぜひご堪能ください。

studio note
日本にてデザインを学んだ後オランダDesign Academy Eindhovenに留学。
在学中にオランダのコンセプチュアルデザインを体感しStudio Richard Hutten, MVRDVにて研修。
帰国後 studio noteを立ち上げプロダクトをメインにクラスカ701内装デザインや店舗アートワーク、クライアントデザイン業務など多岐に渡りデザイン活動を行なう。


1月24日(日)[1] 14:00~ [2] 16:00~
1月31日(日)[1] 14:00~ [2] 16:00~


Exhibition: 11
Make it Beautiful

Jan 23 (Sat) - Feb 12 (Fri)
studio note

Sometimes, you might lose yourself in looking at flowers by the roadside. Or by chance, you could glimpse a cicada shedding its skin, taking your breath away. People say, 'Nature is beautiful', but it's really up to you to decide how you want to perceive it.

Norihiko Terayama, who heads up the design studio 'studio note', is deeply influenced by Dutch conceptual design. He has learned to exquisitely balance the distance between nature and himself. By recognizing natural structures and providence, he makes what humans cannot control part of his designs.

Norihiko believes that his design process is related to the desire to reorganize nature. He transforms dynamic ideas into delicate works by putting them in a certain order. Not only do his pieces startle the audience, but they also present new classics.

Tables are generally considered a simple product, and their designs as something you would never radically change. With the Kaari furniture collection, you can witness a gradual progression of tables in design. You can feel the spirit of the ideas which have been passed on from designer to designer.

studio note
After studying design in Japan, Norihiko Terayama moved to the Netherlands to study at Design Academy Eindhoven. There, he encountered Dutch conceptual design and received training at Studio Richard Hutten and MVRDV.
After returning to Japan, Norihiko set up his own design studio, ‘studio note’. He primarily engages in product design, but he also works for a number of clients, providing artworks for stores. He has designed part of the interior decoration for Claska, a renowned boutique hotel in Tokyo.

Gallery tour
The designers will introduce and discuss their works.

January 24 (Sun) [1] 14:00 - [2] 16:00 -
January 31 (Sun) [1] 14:00 - [2] 16:00 -

No reservation is necessary for the above events. We look forward to seeing you there.